If we can cook it, you can cook it!

Category: Duck

Lacquered Duck Breasts with a Vegetable Mikado from L’Atelier des Chefs Cooking School

Lacquered Duck Breasts with a Vegetable Mikado from L’Atelier des Chefs Cooking School

The richness of a perfectly cooked duck breast paired with a medley of vegetables brings the joy of French cooking to your table in no time. As an alumnus of “L’Atelier des Chefs” Cooking School in Paris, I am sent recipes once a week. I…

Maple-Lacquered Duck Breast and Duck-Fat Potatoes

Maple-Lacquered Duck Breast and Duck-Fat Potatoes

The luxury of a great Duck Breast in a dish that takes minutes to make. There’s something about Duck that is both exotic and luxurious. I associate it with childhood visits to the great restaurants in Montreal, where I grew up.  So when I saw…

Easy Duck Confit…Revisited.

Easy Duck Confit…Revisited.

 It’s been almost ten years since we made this recipe and it’s still as good as it gets. One of the great challenges I face is to constantly look for new recipes, new combinations and new takes on the classics.  When you think about it,…

Sam Sifton’s Great South Bay Duck Ragù inspired by Chef Dave Pasternack

Sam Sifton’s Great South Bay Duck Ragù inspired by Chef Dave Pasternack

Sam Sifton is the Food Editor at The New York Times.  If you aren’t a subscriber, you’d be astonished at his weekly output.  Sometimes it feels as if his emails come hourly. Daily he extolls the virtue of various recipes that have appeared in the…

D’Artagnan Adds Chicken Confit to Its Extraordinay Line-Up

D’Artagnan Adds Chicken Confit to Its Extraordinay Line-Up

Home cooks and Chefs alike will welcome this terrific new  Chicken Confit Photos Courtesy of D’Artagnan Foods D’Artagnan’s new Chicken Confit comes in packages of 2 and 12. Ariane Daguin, founder of D’Artagnan, was up to her ears in Duck Fat. This will come as…

The Perfect Date Night Recipe: Seared Duck with Date Jus and Cheese Ravioli with Piave Sauce

The Perfect Date Night Recipe: Seared Duck with Date Jus and Cheese Ravioli with Piave Sauce

         I realize that most people take ‘date night’ to mean an escape from cooking as well as the kids.  But once in a while, a great meal can turn any night into date night.  And this one is flawless. It combines the luxury of…

Red-Wine Braised Duck Legs from John Ash in Fine Cooking Magazine

John Ash, Chef, Author and Teacher          Let’s face it: You can only eat so much chicken, so many ways. Well how about Duck instead?   Dark, rich, tender meat with a crackly, crisp skin, duck is often thought of as a restaurant item (think Peking…

Salute to Canada! Chuck Hughes’ Duck Breasts with Red Wine Sauce on a bed of Duck-Fat Fried Fingerlings and Mushrooms

                    As most of my readers know, I am Canadian by birth and mighty proud of it.  I am also mighty proud that Canada racked up a total of 10 Gold Medals at the Sochi Olympics.  This…

The 5 Most Popular Recipes of 2013

         We’ve had a banner year on Chewing the Fat.  As of right now, we’ve consistently increased readership month after month.  Our readers come from all over the globe – China is just 16 readers under Australia.  I’m particularly proud of our Canadian friends.  The…

Where to Go in New York’s Chinatown for Roast Duck to Go

         A few months ago, my friend Peter told me about Optical 88, an optical shop in the heart of Chinatown, at 116 Mott Street (Tel: 212-343-1947).  I am all for money saving and he raved about the service and the prices.  I looked on…

David Tanis’ Twice-Cooked Duck with Pea Shoots

David Tanis           I wasn’t familiar with David Tanis at all until he started writing the City Kitchen column in Wednesday’s Dining Section in the Times. Clearly, I’d been missing a lot.  While David’s recipes have often peaked my interest, this is the first one…

Duck a l’Orange adapted from Jacques Pepin’s recipe in Food and Wine

Duck a l’Orange adapted from Jacques Pepin’s recipe in Food and Wine

         Duck a l’Orange lives in our memory as one of our first introductions to restaurant food.  In Montreal, where we lived, it was fairly ubiquitous on the city’s better menus.  We loved it for its sweetness and its crunch.  For the dark duck meat…

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