If we can cook it, you can cook it!

Category: Orecchiette

Orecchiette with Buttermilk, Peas and Pistachios from Bon Appetit

Orecchiette with Buttermilk, Peas and Pistachios from Bon Appetit

When it comes to Buttermilk, I can come up with three recipes that require it: Waffles, Fried Chicken and Biscuits.  Buttermilk comes in quarts. The only recipe of the three that requires that much Buttermilk is perhaps the chicken marinade which is used to tenderize…

Orecchiette with Sausage and Green Vegetables

Orecchiette with Sausage and Green Vegetables

I sometimes think I should have called Chewing The Fat “Chewing the Pasta”.  I have such fondness for pasta that I make it on a weekly basis.  I am well aware of how many people eschew its carbohydrates. Sorry, they’re missing one of life’s great…

Orecchiete with Spring Greens in 25 Minutes Start to Finish

Orecchiete with Spring Greens in 25 Minutes Start to Finish

The way it works in our house is that I leave the recipe for whatever I am making for dinner sitting conspicuously on the kitchen counter.  It’s the first thing Andrew sees when he gets home and walks into the kitchen.  The only advance warning…