If we can cook it, you can cook it!

The latest from Chewing the Fat...

Orecchiette with Spicy Merguez Sausage

            Right down the street from us at 1900 Broadway, Daniel Boulud has carved a little fiefdom for himself.  It consists of two restaurants—Bar Boulud, which leans heavily on charcuterie, and Boulud Sud, Chef Boulud’s salute to Mediterranean Cuisine.  And…

Back to Bonito in St. Barth and our take on their wonderful Peruvian Tiradito of Tuna

Bonito’s Version of Tiradito de Thon And mine… Unfortunately, mine didn’t come with this view from Bonito Rue Lubin Brin Gustavia, St. Barthelemy FWI (590)0590-279-696 www.ilovebonito.com          Silken fish coated in citrus and soy, the earthy nuttiness of sesame oil, the sweetness…

Mario Batali’s Pollo Agrodolce or Sweet and Sour Chicken a l’Italiano

           I was recently involved in a Television program.  Every time I used a phrase that was French, (as in the expression “A certain je ne sais quoi”), the director would stop me and ask me to translate whatever I was saying into English. …

Crispy Flounder with Pears, Endive and Meyer Lemon

         My friend, Eric Lemonides, owns Almond Restaurant in Brideghampton and a second Almond on 22nd Street in the City.  Last Monday, when I went to his Bridgehampton address for dinner, he told me that one of the great off-season successes he’s had is his  “Meatless…

Herb Roasted Lamb Chops with Aparagus And a Baked Potato

Herb Roasted Lamb Chops with Aparagus And a Baked Potato

         If Spring has a food, I can think of two things that fit the season perfectly. The first is lamb, so associated with Easter in both liturgy and on the Easter Table.  The second is Asparagus, which is never better than when it is…

Eric Ripert’s Shrimp in Coconut Curry Sauce with Caribbean Fried Rice

Eric Ripert’s Shrimp in Coconut Curry Sauce with Caribbean Fried Rice

Chef Ripert with the Sting Rays the Caymans are famous for          I’ve mentioned my fondness for Eric Ripert on these pages before.  He’s one chef whose recipes really translate for the home cook.  His flavors are bright and inventive and nothing…

Presenting "The Aunt Sassy", Pastachio Layer Cake from Baked Explorations

It’s been too long since we shared a terrific baking recipe with you. For that I apologize. But after our Christmas baking binge, our house baker has been taking a long rest.  In truth, all our baking is done out at the Beach.  And for…

A visit to April Bloomfield’s Spotted Pig and a recipe for the great British delicacy Bangers and Mash

A visit to April Bloomfield’s Spotted Pig and a recipe for the great British delicacy Bangers and Mash

           The weather on America’s East Coast has been nothing short of bizaare this whole winter.   When I boarded the plane to come home from St. Barth, the temperature there was 81 degrees.  When I arrived in Newark the temperature was 75 degrees.  We…

15 Things you must eat in St. Barth, FWI

VILLA ACE, HOME SWEET HOME! C’EST LA VUE! SAME WONDERFUL MINI COOPER AGAIN THIS YEAR! MARCHE ‘U’ NOW FULL OF FRESH VEGETABLES We’re back!  We’ve just concluded our 18th visit to one of our favorite places on earth, St. Barthelemy. That little 8 ½ square mile…

Jonathan Waxman’s Roasted Chicken with Salsa Verde

Jonathan Waxman’s Roasted Chicken with Salsa Verde

         When you can vividly remember a lunch you had ten years ago, I would have to say that’s the power of great cooking.  I distinctly remember a visit to Washington Park on lower Fifth Avenue.  The restaurant marked the triumphant return to New York…

Smothered Pork Chops inspired by Gene Hovis

Smothered Pork Chops inspired by Gene Hovis

         My dear friend Yvonne introduced me to Gene Hovis.  Not that I ever met him in person.  Yvonne, who knows everyone, and I do mean everyone, introduced me to Gene via his wonderful Cookbook cum memoir, ‘Uptown Down Home’ which was published in 1987. …

Sotanghon with Chicken and Wood Ear Mushrooms

         One of the great joys of cooking has to be the amazing things you learn when you use an ingredient that is new to you.  In this case, our dear friend Richard arrived from Hong Kong recently and presented us with a sealed plastic…

He made, she made and then I made Ellie Krieger’s Pasta Puttanesca

Bobby Deen’s Light Baked Spaghetti versus…. Pasta Puttanesca from Ellie Krieger          Unless you live under some media-free rock, you have likely heard of the kerfuffle surrounding the announcement that Paula Deen, the Food Network’s Diva of Southern Cuisine, has contracted Type II diabetes.  The…

From Montreal’s Joe Beef: A recipe for four hour Lamb for two With Condimint

Jennifer May’s Photo of the Dish My rendition of the dish           There was a time when everyone who visited the south of France came back and immediately went straight to their oven to prepare something called “Seven Hour Gigot of Lamb”.  It was one…