If we can cook it, you can cook it!

Category: Bay Scallops

Gratin of Nantucket Bay Scallops and Prosciutto

                    The other day I saw the sign pictured on the left announcing the annual arrival of Nantucket Bay Scallops.  Like local asparagus, there are only a few weeks a year when these little sweet morsels make their way into our market.  It’s…

A Fish Story: Gemelli with Spicy Scallops and Snap Peas

A Fish Story: Gemelli with Spicy Scallops and Snap Peas

You might want to hide after what I turned up… read on… Here’s a food writer’s dilemma for you:  Say you discovered a great recipe so full of flavor and so easy to make, you literally jumped on your MacPro and started to extoll its…

Nantucket Bay Scallops in Tabasco Butter with Parmesan Cheese and Croutons

Nantucket Bay Scallops in Tabasco Butter with Parmesan Cheese and Croutons

   The American Hotel. A must stop in Sag Harbor whether for Bay Scallops or not          I can’t tell you how proud I am of this recipe.  It is really one time when I can genuinely claim the authorship of a dish. I’d tried…