America’s Favorite Ways to Eat Chicken Wings
Our friends at RTA Outdoor Living brought it to our attention. The makers of custom outdoor Kitchens, RTA did a whole study on one of our absolute favorites. They surveyed over 1000 Americans in the great debate: What makes the best Chicken wing—Bone-In versus boneless, the Drumstick, or the flat? Coast-to-coast the results were clear. Drumsticks won with 2 in 3 respondents preferring them far ahead of “flats”. But in a bit of a surprise at Chewing The Fat, 63.4% chose boneless over bone-in wings. (We don’t necessarily buy into that. We love our wings bones and all.) We love them so much, they’re practically a ritual at our house. Below you’ll find our Great Eight! Among the recipes are lots of Chicken Wing Fun Facts and the history of how the humble wing, once destined for the stock pot, took hold.
RTA Outdoor Living didn’t stop at wings…they went on to Hot Dogs, Barbecue, Pizza, Burgers and Brownies.

Some surprises: 57% surveyed say Hot Dogs are sandwiches. And 56.7 percent say hot dogs taste best grilled (at an RTA outdoor kitchen, we bet). 12.6 percent microwave their dogs. And among hot doggers 18-23, 20% think boiling is best. Moving onto Burgers, 15 percent of us think the cheese should go under the burger. Huh? 40 percent of Burger fans think Medium is best and 23.2 percent of women want theirs Well-done. Pineapple on Pizza??? Sadly, 47.5 percent put it on while 52.5 percent do not. The good news here is Pizza eaters 18-23 have the good sense never to pile on the pineapple. At least 60 percent of them do. Finally, 3 out 4 of us prefer the crispiness of the brownies at the edge of the pan to 24 percent who want the gooey middle. You can find the full survey at rtaoutdoorliving.com/food-debates-controversial-foods/