If we can cook it, you can cook it!

Category: Flour Bakery’s Rosemary and Olive Oil Focaccia

Claire Saffritz’ Pull-Apart Sour Cream and Chive Rolls

Claire Saffritz’ Pull-Apart Sour Cream and Chive Rolls

Claire Saffitz’ new cookbook may be called “Dessert Person” but the first thing Andrew baked were these melt-in-your-mouth Sour Cream and Chive Dinner rolls. The classic Parker House rolls inspired this recipe.  In all honesty, they’re even better—more pillow-like and tender than the originals.  Then…

Joanne Chang’s Rosemary and Olive Oil Focaccia from Flour Bakery, Boston.

Joanne Chang’s Rosemary and Olive Oil Focaccia from Flour Bakery, Boston.

If your ambitions for this week included baking great bread, this is for you. Breadmaking has become wildly popular. All over Instagram our friends are posting glorious photos of all kinds of sourdough boules, baguettes, Irish brown bread, and the inevitable pizza dough. To say…

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