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Sautéed Corn and Cherry Tomatoes

Sautéed Corn and Cherry Tomatoes
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The Corn at the end of our road.

I don’t remember a single recipe on Chewing The Fat that’s faster to make than this:

10 minutes. That’s all it takes to enjoy two of the greatest gifts of summer. Sweet corn, peaking now and Cherry Tomatoes overwhelming our garden right now.  We wait all year for our local corn. Early in the season, the first corn is shipped in from Long Island’s North Fork to its South Fork where we live. Sorry, but as long-awaited as it is, it’s always a letdown.  It just never beats what comes from our local farms.  One reason is, that the quicker it’s eaten after it’s been picked, the better.

Choosing the perfect ear of corn never needs peeling back the husks.

Instead of manhandling the corn and leaving it for the next guy, choose corn this way: The husks should closer to bright green, with some yellowing near the top of the cob. The silks wither but the drier they are, the longer the corn has been off the stalk.  A great ear of corn should feel heavy for its size. That means it’s juicy. Don’t be put off by dented or not fully formed kernels. They don’t make the perfect bite but the rest of the cob should be just fine. A shock to me was to read that White, Yellow, and BiColor Corn are interchangeable in flavor.

How to store your corn.  If you must…

The sooner you eat your corn, the better it will be. Once the corn is picked, the sugars in it begin converting to starches. In no time at all, the corn will more like the stuff in the supermarket and not like the farm-fresh corn we all crave. You can store corn at room temperature.  But if there’s any question about how long it will be before you cook it, refrigerate it. Cool temperatures slow the conversion of sugar to starch. The moist air keeps the corn from drying out. If you stash the husks in a wet paper bag, and inside a plastic bag, you can keep corn fresh for several days.

How to take corn off the cob.

In all honesty, we infinitely prefer corn off the cob to on.  With a few notable exceptions—such as grilled corn—ordinary corn on the cob is a bit of a turn-off at our house.  Sorry but it loses its heat far too fast and the essential butter never stays in place. To say nothing of how unattractive eating corn on the cob looks.  Better by far to remove the corn from the husk and proceed from there.  Shucking the corn simply involves peeling back the husk and the silk top to bottom.  The few stray strands of cornsilk can be dispensed using a vegetable brush and running water.  We then press a Bundt Pan into service. We balance the corn on the center and use a sharp knife to strip the kernels which then fall into the pan. And we’re ready to go.

And now on to this recipe which is not only fast, it’s fantastic.

Our own Cherry Tomatoes have just kept coming.

A little olive oil, a couple of cloves of minced garlic and you’re off. You just barely cook the corn and the tomatoes. Only after they’ve cooked for just minutes so you add the scallions, the sherry vinegar, the thyme and salt, and pepper.  The sherry vinegar is a great contrast to the sweetness of the dish.  The resulting salad is served at room temperature. A perfect accompaniment to almost anything on your summer menus.  Here’s the recipe.

Sautéed Corn and Cherry Tomatoes

August 11, 2020
: 6 1/2 cup servings
: 6 min
: 10 min
: If you can husk corn, you can make this.

Two summer favorites in one 10 minute dish. Summer's fresh corn and the juicy goodness of Cherry Tomatoes


  • 3 teaspoons olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 3 cups fresh corn kernels (about 4 ears)
  • 1 1/2 cups cherry tomatoes, quartered
  • 4 tablespoons chopped scallions (about 2 large)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons sherry vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons minced fresh thyme
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • Step 1 Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add garlic to the pan, sauté 1 minute.
  • Step 2 Add corn and tomatoes. Cook 3 minutes or until vegetables are tender, stirring often.
  • Step 3 Remove from heat. Stir in onions and remaining ingredients. Serve.

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