If we can cook it, you can cook it!

B’Soffener Kapuziner, an Austrian Family favourite nut-based cake, liberally doused with Gluhwein from the Stracey Family Cookbook

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         When I was growing up in Montreal, my family had an endless stream of visitors, most of whom had some connection to my parent’s time in Britain during the Second World War.  They were both volunteers—my father was a Major in the Canadian Army and my mother worked tirelessly at the American Red Cross in London.  One of our visitors was a young man, my godmother’s nephew, who arrived in Montreal to study Engineering at McGill.   He ended moving in with us and became very much a part of our family.  He stayed in Canada after graduation and married a lovely girl from Austria. They had two daughters, and among other things, opened a restaurant called “Le Carafon”. After years in Montreal, Simon returned to England and assumed his hereditary title as the baronet Stracey;  He became Sir John and his wife Lady Martha, who is referred to as her ladyship in the following post.  You may remember Lady Martha from last year’s spectacularly successful post on Austrian Cookies.  It has been downloaded over 2000 times.  Here’s the link:  http://chewingthefat.us.com/2011/12/three-authentic-austrian-cookie-recipes.html.  This year, Simon promised me another authentic family recipe and he has made good on his offer. Here’s the story of B’Soffener Kapunziner and if it is as good as everything else her ladyship bakes, you should add it to your Christmas repertoire. By the way, you may not know it, but my family always called me Dick.  My first name is, after all, Richard.  “Chimo”, in case you wonder, is a greeting from the Inukitut language, spoken by the Inuits, as Canada’s Eskimos are now called. 

Dear Dick, 
Here is the recipe, as I have prepared it for our Family Cookbook.  I think it will work for you with relatively little editing.

It has always been a family favourite, ever since Her Ladyship learned the tricks of getting it right (recipes handed down over the dinner table don’t always give full instructions!).
I well remember a Hungarian babysitter we had in Montréal, who had a very sweet tooth, and was prone to raid our cookie jar and fridge.  As this cake is always made for my birthday, and I resent having to share it with too many hangers-on, I had to place a note on it in the fridge, saying “Only one slice, please!”.   She did obey, but of course took her allowance.
The Gluhwein Tip is really useful.   It’s a drink that should always be ready in winter (especially if someone is roasting chestnuts), and our method developed at Le Carafon is a real winner.  People could order it, like Kir, sweet or just a touch of syrup.  Try it !

2 thoughts on “B’Soffener Kapuziner, an Austrian Family favourite nut-based cake, liberally doused with Gluhwein from the Stracey Family Cookbook”

  • Monte, her ladyship, gluhwein, monks, the red cross…..this recipe is down right Downton abbey…I had strayed but when looking for Ham accompaniments for Christmas I came here. Your Blog visits will now be part of my NYE resolutions!

  • Dear KerryCatherine, I am so glad you found your way here. If you want to really stay current, why not subscribe and you'll never miss another word! Merry Christmas to you! Monte

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