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Chicken Breasts with Mustard Verjus Sauce

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        One of the most fun things about last year’s Farmer’s Markets was the presence of our local winery, Wollfer Estate, at each one of them.  First it was staffed by my friend Cassie, until she landed a spot at the local TV station, and then by my friend Phillip, who took over last fall.   The fun, of course, was the tastings of their very excellent wines.  We had a joke, when we started drinking wine at about 11:00 am, that it was always Wine O’Clock at Wollfer. 
        Wollfer makes a wonderful Rose, an award-winning Chardonnay and a very fine Merlot.  It also makes a remarkable non-alcoholic Verjus.  The translation from the French gives you an idea of what that is: literally, Green Juice.  I read a great article on Verjus in the Times this fall. Written by John Willoughby, it was a concise history of Verjus coupled with a couple of recipes, including the one that I will share with you today.  But first, a bit about Verjus.
 The “Ver” or green refers to the unripe grapes that make up Verjus.  The grapes that are used are ones that have been thinned from the vines about half way on their road to ripeness.  Verjus goes back to medieval times when, according to Willoughby, sour was a taste that was widely appreciated.  Crabapples, grapes, plums were all used to deepen flavors and to add a measure of tartness to sauces, condiments, stews and meats.  The introduction of the lemon almost killed off Verjus production because, in a highly useable form, tart juice was to be had simply by cutting open the fruit—no pressing or bottling needed.        
In the last ten years, however, Verjus has taken off amongst cooks.  Unlike lemons, Verjus is tart but gentler, and there’s a definite sweetness to it.  Instead of contrasting flavors, Verjus complements then.  And especially if wine is to be consumed at the same time, Verjus wins the taste test hands down.   It’s terribly easy to use.  It deglazes the pan forming a perfect pan sauce.  And, without requiring a recipe, you really should try it used as an alternative to vinegar in your next foray into salad dressing making.  Wollfer Verjus can be purchase right on their website for all of $10.00 a bottle. Here it is:https://store.nexternal.com/wolffer/categories.aspx?Keyword=Verjus
And here is the recipe which takes all of 35 minutes to make:

3 thoughts on “Chicken Breasts with Mustard Verjus Sauce”

  • Thanks for the very informative info on the Verjus before I dove into your pictorial! Very nice – I do wonder, as you yourself have commented before – the pictures sometimes are not as defined as you would like – are you using a cast iron pan, or just a very seasoned ovenproof skillet? I just like to follow form your recipes as much as possible. Still getting family raves from your blueberry jalepeno sauce! Thanks as always!

  • Hi Ana and a Happy New Year to you! I have good news about my photos. I was given a new Sony Cybershot camera for Christmas. It has 14.1 mega pixels and I am mightily impressed by its focal abilities. I think you are going to see the difference in the photos I'll be posting from now on. Two things happen when I'm working on a recipe: I have a problem remembering to photograph every step and I have to crop rather closely to compensate for my NYC kitchen (i.e. small) You are quite right about the cast iron. I actually have one skillet that belonged to my great grandmother that is still perfectly serviceable today. All best to you, Ana, and thank you for your interest and support. Monte

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