If we can cook it, you can cook it!

Category: Peaches

Alice Medrich’s Plum and Almond Tart

Oven and Camera Ready! Vanilla Ice Cream on the side is highly recommended When you have a blog to write, you tend not to repeat recipes once you have made them.  You’re pretty well under the gun to cook something you’ve never tried before simply…

Tartine’s Fruit Galettes with thanks to Elisabeth Prueitt and Chad Robertson of Tartine Bakery, San Francisco

  If ever there was a moment for making these free-form rustic pastries, it’s right now.  The markets are bursting at the seams with the most beautiful stone fruits and berries of every description.  The peaches, nectarines and cherries are irresistible and this recipe is…

Peach Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting Adapted from “All Cakes Considered”

              One of the most anticipated arrivals at our local farm stand is the peaches.  These deliciously juicy fruits with their beautiful golden flesh are the height of summer’s goodness.  It’s always a struggle to avoid those awful hard and hardly ripe early…