Vanilla Ice Cream on the side is highly recommended |
When you have a blog to write, you tend not to repeat recipes once you have made them. You’re pretty well under the gun to cook something you’ve never tried before simply to create content for your readers. Most of the time, this isn’t all that difficult to do, especially when you have literally thousands of recipes at your disposal. But then once in a while you come across something that rings all the bells. It not only tastes phenomenal, it uses the season’s best ingredients and, if they’re locally grown so much the better. And then there are those gems that not only meet those criteria but they’re incredibly easy to make. At that precise moment, you have to assert great discipline in not running out and making the dish on an everyday basis. With this tart, the invention of one of California’s greatest bakers, all that discipline went out the window. The tart appeared three times in a week, breaking all previous records for recipe repeating in the shortest amount of time. But one bite of Alice Medrich’s superb invention, I can almost guarantee you’ll put this on your repeat list too.