If we can cook it, you can cook it!


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A far nicer photograph from Food and Wine

@Kate Mathis

Because we’re barely off the plane from Europe, I have gone archival today to bring a wonderful recipe that we published way back in 2012.

It was such a hit with everyone who tried it that I thought I’d introduce to a whole new audience who weren’t following Chewing the Fat way back when.  And for those who were, it’s still a great idea for dinner or lunch.
When I came across this recipe in Food and Wine, I tried to resist it.  With its glorious crabmeat peeking out from layers and layers of French bread and creamy egg-y custard, I thought it would be far too rich, far too full of carbohydrates, and just far too much all the way around.  But then when I pointed it out to Andrew, he too had glommed onto the allure of the dish.  So I made it.  And I am glad I did!  It is not heavy at all. Its richness comes from the crab and not the custard.  Lemon juice lightens the whole dish and I confess to cutting back on the butter and using a delicious whole-wheat baguette to cushion the carb count.  It was simply delicious served with a green salad.  There were leftovers, which I brought to a friend and disappointed Andrew who was looking forward to another delightful go at it.  And where did this delicious concoction come from?

“River Cottage Fish Book” (Bloomsbury 2007). 

The name conjures up an image of the English countryside in all its Technicolor glory.  Mr. Fearnley-Whittingstall is indeed English and the English country background is a reality. The chef has a fascinating background.  He went to both Eton and Oxford before settling into a culinary career as a celebrity chef, journalist, food writer, and television personality.  And he has a fascinating nickname: Hugh Fearlessly-Eatsitall.  This was given to him for his completely eccentric cooking style showcased in a series called “Cook on the Wild Side.”  I won’t go into some of the unbelievable things the chef cooked on the series but think of Andrew Zimmern, the American star of “Bizaare Foods”, and you’ll get the picture.

This isn’t just any cookbook—it’s a go-to guide for all things fish!

I cannot recommend this cookbook any more highly. It’s a deep dive into the fascinating world of fish–from the natural habitats and life cycles to the perfect sauces the pair them with.  The introductory section is filled with valuable insights on how to get the best fish, including tips on fish farming, aquaculture, and how to make sure you’re buying and catching fish ethically and sustainably. Every possible cooking method is covered, from pickling and salting to barbecuing and frying. You’ll find classic recipes for each technique,  Whatever level cook you are, a seafood enthusiast, or a fan of the slow food movement, this complete guide is a must in your kitchen.

The only real regret I have is that I made this in the city where our baking dish selection is limited. 

So my version did not have the visual panache of the original photograph by Kate Mathis, pictured at the top of this post. It was considerably smaller than the Bon Appetit version, but my, it was good.  I cut the recipe back but the one I am publishing is for the full dish to serve 8 people.  That would give everyone a serving that would likely make a reasonable appetizer or a light supper or lunch.  It’s so satisfying that you don’t need a lot.  And you can put it together in under a half hour before baking it for another half hour.  Here is the recipe:




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