What is a “pluot”?, you may well ask. It’s the Labradoodle of fruits. Actually it’s more like a Cockapoo or even a Maltipoo in size. The Pluot is a plum and apricot hybrid bred first in California in the 1800s. Initially it was called a Plumcot, which is the way most 50/50 hybrids get their names. However the original fruit was hard to grow. Then in the 1920s, another California nursery discovered that if you heavied up on the plum side of the equation, you got a more reliable fruit. They experimented for years finally trademarking the name Pluout in the 1990s. There are pluots of various sizes and colors. They’re no longer rare and the proof of that is that I got Andrew his pluots at Costco. According to Fine Cooking, originator of this recipe, you should look for pluots with a little ‘give’ and avoid any that are rock hard because they simply will not ripen. You may still want to ripen the fruit further by putting them in a paper bag and keeping them at room temperature for a day or two. Then you can make this wonderful upside down cake that pairs the fruit with almond flavor. Served with fresh whipped cream, the sweet juicy fruit is the star of the show and the cake a great supporting player.