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Peach Mustard |
Two great dinner party recipes
Today, I want to share two great dinner party recipes that we served this summer to great applause. One is a pork loin from Bon Appetit that originally called for using the backyard grill. It was a great success with a flavorful crust and meat that was tender to the bone. Later in the season, when we were in the midst of a monsoon, I took it inside and roasted it to perfection in the oven. So I think we can get away with calling this a year ‘round option for a great bone-in pork roast. And if you’re one of those grillers who will stand outside in all but a blizzard, you can grill on. With it, comes a recipe for peach mustard, a cross between a chutney and a mustard sauce. But the third component of the menu makes this meal far more seasonal. It calls for using those still wonderful field tomatoes that are everywhere around here now, along with the last of the season’s corn. Put them together and this might be the perfect meal to serve this very weekend.
A great bone-in pork loin is one of the great dinner party bargains you can buy.
Pork has never achieved the status of a great beef roast or steak for that matter. So its price has made it a favorite of thrifty entertainers everywhere. Because today’s Pork has had its fat content reduced to virtually nothing, the meat benefits from brining, a technique in which both flavor and tenderness are added. In this case, if you are planning to entertain on Saturday night, the full benefit of the brine needs 24 hours to develop. In an absolute pinch, you can cut this down to 12 hours. But unless you plan to rise at dawn the day of your dinner party, set aside some time the day before and brine away. The Peach Mustard can made the day of or you can make it ahead and add the chives at the last minute.
Next up, the Corn Soufflé Stuffed Tomatoes.
I was so pleased when our friend Jeff sent along this great recipe. Jeff and his partner, Mark, are great friends of ours in St. Barth. I say “in St. Barth” because despite the fact that they live right over the Pennsylvania state line in New Hope, we never see them anywhere but on the island! And we’ve been friends for years! Jeff wrote that he’d sent the recipe along after reading that I’m not a great corn on the cob fan. Here, he wrote “This makes use of the season’s two greatest vegetables.” He says that he’s “had the recipe since the late 80s beut can’t remember where it came from. Probably an old Gourmet or Bon Appetit”. I did some sleuthing at Epicurious.com, generally a repository of old Gourmet recipes and those of Bon Appetit, and came up empty handed. But wherever this came from originally, I cannot thank Jeff enough for it because it not only tastes wonderful but it looks so beautiful especially when you are serving ‘the other white meat’ which has no color at all. Here are the recipes:
Using the tip of a paring knife, score an X in the bottom of peach. Cook in a small saucepan of boiling water just until skin begins to peel back where cut, about 30 seconds. Transfer to a bowl of ice water; let cool. Peel and coarsely chop.
Cut tops off tomatoes and scoop out insides. (I found a melon baller was perfect for this task.) Salt and pepper the insides of each tomato, turn over and drain on paper towel for 20 mins.
Pour corn mixture into tomatoes. Bake for 45 mins in a 350 degree oven. Put any extra soufflé in an oven proof dish and cook alongside the tomatoes.
Great side dish! Tried it mostly for appearance. with a pork loin. Vine tomatoes and frozen corn – came out great. Wife loved them. Week later, made in advance with hot house tomatoes and fresh sweet corn. and drove them cross town to bake at my daughter’s. to go with ribeyes on the grill. More rave reviews.
Out of town guests coming next week – one more time to go with the ham.
Thanks for the delightful flavors and a wonderful presentation.
Dear Craig, I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to write. It means the world to us to know that people use and appreciate the recipes we feature. I hope you’ll look around and discover some more things you’ll want to cook. All best, Monte and Andrew
Thanks for cluing us in! Bon Appetit!