If we can cook it, you can cook it!

Gratin of Bay Scallops from Ina Garten’s Back to Basics.

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          I have a confession to make.  I was having lunch with my dear friend Barbara at one of our favorite spots.  Aperitivo at 780 Third Avenue at 48th Street (212-758-9402) is sleek and reasonable. They make an amazing Pizza Bianca with figs, prosciutto and gorgonzola which is in itself reason to go there.   We do like our Apperitivos and the very pretty bartender who serves them.  But what I’d never noticed before was that the television, mounted on the wall next to the bar, was tuned to the Food Network.  Perhaps the owners are trying to placate all those poor people from Westchester and Long Island who no longer get the channel due to an on-going Cable feud which has taken the network off their televisions.  But I do know that with the set right behind Barbara, as hard as I tried to concentrate, I couldn’t help but sneak a peak.  I was intrigued by Ina Garten making the most incredible Gratin of Bay Scallops.

        For a long time, I didn’t eat scallops.  But they seem to appear all over the place and when I finally made them myself, I was amazed at how good they can be.  I love the little bay scallops and if you can get the ones from Nantucket you’ll be in heaven.  I think sea scallops are a bit overwhelming both in size and in flavor.  The nutty taste of the smaller bay variety seem to work with other flavors beautifully. 

        Ina’s recipe was for six, mine is for 2.  I think Ina’s portions are perfect so you can expand or contract this recipe at will. Ina makes her topping in an electric mixer.  For 6, that makes sense.  I didn’t really see a need for anything other than elbow grease, a fork and butter that was really soft.  6 ounces of scallops seems a perfect serving.  The 1 ounce of prosciutto is a challenge but I didn’t really want to incur the wrath of all the people behind me at the Delicatessen counter so I took the 3 ounce pre-packaged option.  I’ve been meaning to make “Saltimbocca alla Romana” so the leftover portion will be perfect for that.  The only other advice I have with this recipe is to pre-heat the broiler if you want to give your gratin a crispier topping.  Here goes:


1 thought on “Gratin of Bay Scallops from Ina Garten’s Back to Basics.”

  • Here's a great recipe from my friend Ann Legette in Greensboro N.C. Ann writes:
    Hi Sweet! Want to share with YOU my favorite cocktail club recipe you may enjoy without going all the way to Aperitivo. Great appetizer for parties and sooo easy: Spread thin coating of fig preserves on Boboli (white) pizza crust, top with thin slices of Parma prosciutto, and crumbled gorgonzola. Bake at 350 for about 8 or until cheese begins to melt. It’s a winner and a snap

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